
OPT2A Limited Liability Company since 01/19/2023 for various specialized, scientific and technical activities (7490B), whose office is registered at 20 Allée Eugène Delacroix 33800 Bordeaux, France. The company is registered with INSEE under number 948 224 647.

Director of publication : Antoine Jeanjean.

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The activity of the company is ensured by MAAF under the Professional Multirisque Contract since 03/24/2021 for 'CONSULTING AND SERVICES TO COMPANIES AND PEOPLE / CONSULTING IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS'.


OPT2A© is a trademark registered in France at the INPI since 04/19/2021 under the registration number 4757167.


OVH Company - Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix, France - Tél. +33 (0)8 99 70 17 61 - Site web :

Applicable right

This site is exclusively governed by French law and by international conventions applicable in France.


The files contained on this site are original graphic and intellectual creations of OPT2A Antoine Jeanjean protected by law n ° 92-597 of 01/07/1992 relating to the code of intellectual property.

These creations are the work of OPT2A for the content and the graphic and technical design and production.

They remain the moral and physical property of their authors. They may not be modified, reproduced, sold or reused for any other use without the prior written consent of OPT2A Antoine Jeanjean.

Any publication, use or distribution, even partial, must be authorized in advance by OPT2A Antoine Jeanjean.

Last Update: 03/26/2024